Judy will tell you that she does her escrow as a convenience to her customer. This is not true. She is suppose to be paid out that escrow. NEVER USE A BIAS PARTY TO HOLD MONEY IN ESCROW! I knew this, but was lazy. Judy took our deposit towards a property. This check was drawn on our personal account as I hadn't opened a business account yet. We discussed this when I wrote the check. I was not going to open the company account unless the property was going to be purchased. The contract was written for our company to purchase the property with my name as managing member/owner. When our purchased fell through because Judy told us there was no 'flood' area on the vacant property. She neglected to tell us there were wetlands we could not build on. The county wouldn't approve the size building we needed. We canceled the contract in writing and requested my escrow back. During a follow up phone call Judy said she'd write the check to my company name, but not to me. Any escrow agent knows that a form to release funds will allow the escrow agent to sign the check over to any party. It's a very simple process for an owner of a company to sign to release funds, which I was the owner. She was belligerent on the phone. She said, 'I am not going through ALL THAT CRAP for you.' I was kind through the whole phone call, which I could tell through her off her game. She did end up calling me to tell me she checked with her attorney and it was fine to release the funds to me, which she should have known being an escrow agent anyways. However, when the check came she put it to my company name, just to be a pain. Doing lots of business with my bank, and this is the only reason why I was able to cash it, we were able to get it cashed. She deals with Sunshine Bank. Sunshine Bank is virtually archaic. They are very strict, and you can run into problems passing her check through your bank for a variety of reasons. This is probable why she uses them. I had my bank call their bank. It was ridiculous what all we had to do. She did this purposefully to cause issue. While she was not out of her rights to write the check to my company, it was clear that she did this to be unhelpful and probable maliciously. She was so rude on the phone, she talked over me, her tone was witchy, and while I tried to be kind it made no use. The most irritating thing was she made mention one the date of signing that she was leaving right from work to do missions work at her church. Gag. Being a woman of belief, who believes always in kindness first no matter the situation, I really really really wish that those who have bad tempers or cannot keep composure under uncomfortable circumstances DO NOT mention they do any work for GOD. Please, Judy, don't use the fact that you go to a church or do volunteer work as a pull for trust. Your behavior is unbecoming of a woman, a believer, and a realtor! I do hope that your revenge with the check was worth this review. Kind Regard, Former Customer