It is essential that you contract with an Electrical Contractor that is qualified and experienced in the specific requirements of your job. Vision Contracting, Inc., has a long history of quality workmanship and a wide range of skills, equipment, tools and manpower. We have listed a few of our services below, but if you don't see what you are looking for, give us a call. We can find out about your project needs, answer your questions, and give you a free quote. We think you will agree that VCI is Mid-America's Premier Electrical Contracting Company.. Full Service Electrical Company
Complete Design
Insrumentation Wiring & S/S Tubing
Control Systems
Process Controls
Freeze Protection
Heat Trace Installation
Audit-Operating Functions-Safety
Liquid Pipeline Terminals
Stations & Storage Facilities
Natural Gas Compressor Stations
Gemerator Stations
Generating Power Plant Maintenance
Shutdown Upgrades
Medium Voltage Installation
Cable Termination
Emergency Service Calls