I have practiced law from a Johnson County, Kansas office for several decades now, obtaining my Juris Doctor degree from K.U. in 1969. In 1975, I purchased a piece of history, being the native limestone store-front building which fronts on the original town square of Shawnee on Johnson Drive, where I have since conducted my practice. This longevity and stability alone distinguishes me from virtually all other Johnson County attorneys. A tracking sheet would be needed to follow the office moves of most other attorneys over a comparable number of years.
My general practice is highly demanding, requiring a greater variety of study, attention, continuing legal education and flexibility than more limited practitioners. I like to refer to my service as being "primary", as the "first line of advice and defense" to which clients can in confidence resort in every instance, whether it be personal, family or business. All of these facts do, I believe, set me apart from all other attorneys officing in Johnson County. I judge that my particular attention to detail, as well as my personal concern for the welfare and interests of my clients, have helped me to reach this goal. I communicate with my clients and I am very accessible to my clients. I must have been doing it right for all of these years, and clients must be appreciative, because I continue to serve clients, with personal and commercial needs, whom I first represented in the 1970's.. WHAT LAW PRACTICED - I do not limit my practice to only one or two areas of the law. I set a goal,very early in my legal career,to become experienced and skilled in a number of areas of the law to the extent that it would set me apart from most of my peers. I wanted to become one attorney upon whom clients could rely for most all of their legal needs. To achieve this goal,it was necessary to exclude from my practice selected areas of the law in which most clients would never likely need help (such as criminal and bankruptcy),and other areas of the law requiring a high degree of concentrated study (such as income taxation and securities registration). I have excluded other selected areas as well. In an exceptional instance when a client needs help in an area of the law in which I do not practice,I serve my client's by bringing in an attorney known to me,a peer,to possess the attributes most beneficial to my client's needs. I have devoted many years to practicing a wide variety of law (described on the reverse side of this sheet),and I have earned the confidence of a lot of clients over those years by proving that one attorney can be the best choice. There are very few,if any,solo general practitioners remaining in Johnson County who can match the years and breadth of my practice.
I value very highly my profession,and my privilege to have served and to continue to serve so many fine individuals,families and businesses who work,live,and do business in this great community of ours.