My husband and I took my daughter to this a few months ago. I let her in the front seat, because we borrowed an older car that has the back windows that only go halfway down. What you do is buy food to feed the animals out of your car window as you drive through a park! The animals roam free in a big, enclosed area, and they are mixed up. Beware of the buffalo and zebra. They are really aggressive and ripped buckets out of my hand. The rest of the car thought it was funny, but I was screaming. I'm still not sure why I thought it was "okay" to feed the largest buffalo on the property. I wasn't really thinking. The zebras will BITE, and they warn you of that before you go through. They have ostriches and emus that made me feel like they were going to peck my eyes out, but they were okay. We did see an ostrich attacking a worker, who evidently did something the ostrich didn't like. Kids really really really enjoy this, but take an old car or take the wagon tour. You will have food inside your car and slobbers + scratches on the outside!