Looking to learn about wines, or just to try something new? Drop by the Vintage Cellar on any Saturday afternoon -- or any busy day before a holiday, I discovered last Christmas -- and you're sure to get a taste of something special. They have wine tastings every weekend, and sometimes you can even get lucky mid-week. The Vintage Cellar offers the full range of wines you'd expect from a quality store, as well as a wide selection of microbrewery beers and brewing supplies for beer and wine, and even some gourmet cheeses.
Not only that, they have a truly talented wine staff. I have yet to stump them with a request (not that my requests are anything exciting), and though some of my questions must sound truly idiotic I never feel like I'm putting them out by my ignorance. They answer every question politely and with enthusiasm -- these people really know wine, and they're happy to share their interest with novices. They also have adequate staff -- I've never been unable to find help when I need it. And their prices are competitive with Kroger's and sometimes better.