This ""church"" is not a Christian church. No church that treats their people the way this church does can NOT be Christian. The ""leaders"" in this ""church"" have done so much damage to so many people it's irreparable. They have adulterers such as joe griffin and stacy houston, who are adulterers, in positions of leadership and who themselves have destroyed families. These are not accusations. It's the truth that is documented. This ""church"" has, to date, produced at least FIVE sex offenders who have gone to jail. All of which is documented. Those in the core leadership have proof that certain people were not
given a fair opportunity to confront their accusers even though the ""leadership"" had exposed these people in
public thus causing all kinds of havoc with avoidable and
unnecessary speculations, slander, gossip, and false
accusations which could have been easily avoided all
together if they had followed CLEAR BIBLICAL
examples!!!.Anyone wanting to preserve their lives and
sanity should enter at your own risk! I would not give this business even one star, but I had to rate this to publish it. If I had the choice I would rate it a negative million, at least.