Dr. Villicana and his office are very friendly but yet very professional! I had Breast Augmentation in 2004 after my second child and have been very pleased with my choice in doctors. What I liked MOST about Dr. Villicana is that he is OLD SCHOOL, he believes in placing your implants above the muscle especially if you've had any children. So, unlike these BEHIND THE MUSCLE/HIGH PROFILE jobs he gives a more NATURAL appearance. I don't believe people would guess that I had BA. The only negative I can say about the doctor is, I wanted to be a FULL C/Small D and I am just an average C cup. My suggestion is to be VERY SPECIFIC on how big you want to be and REITERATE it time and time again to him..... I have to admit I wasn't very persistant and I did say I wanted to look natural and that is what he did, made me appear natural and very proportioned to my body size. And anyways, my Victoria Secret bras can make me a D cup, when I want to look extreme, for special occasions. I highly recommend the doctor and OFTEN think about what my next procedure with him will be. A Mini Tummy Tuck is probably what it will be, REMEMBER I HAD 2 CHILDREN! ;) Forgot to mention that he used a Local Anesthetic and that on top of the fact he went above the muscle made for a WONDERFUL EASY RECUPERATION, virtually pain free for me!! Happy in Covina :) LoveEM!
Pros: Friendly Staff, Highly Experienced Doctor, Local Anesthetic, Natural Results
Cons: Suggest that you are SPECIFIC with desires, And make sure they are understood :)