This warning is to save you a lot of money and trouble, if you rent there you will be renting a peice of sh** apartment straight froll hell! They make it sound good but the managment doesn't care anything about you or your problems, they just want your money. Nothing ever gets fixed, in the winter it took a month to fix the heat properly. They lie about their apartments, mine was a previously flooded one and they didn't tell me this, I had to discover it out by the neighbors and found mold 2 months later. Has a bad smell to the place, they screw you with late charges and tell you they are going to wave them when it wasn't late, but they wont theyll just tack on another one next month! Fire alarms don't work, discovered this when visiting a friend in the building next to us and tried to pull the alarm when we saw smoke! Not renting from here will be a life saving decision!!!
Pros: Nope! None.
Cons: Its the worst choice I've ever made to rent there.