This is also a beer, liquior and grocery store but they also sell cigarettes, newspapers, scratch offs, lottery tickets and etc. and some chinese people work there and own it. They are very friendly they have a public bathroom and they are reasonable on their prices. I like going here becuase I know the people that work here. I dont personally know them but I know them from going in there so much. they are cheap on their cigarettes and there gas an I also hit a few good scratch offs there. they dont never hire new people to work there or I would put in an application. I do not know but sometimes when I go up there little kids be behind the counter checking people out, and some little kids be up there playing behind the counter. I guess it is the peoples kids that work there but I dont think that is right becuase sometimes the kids are loud and running around and to me it is not a place for kids since it is a beer store, and I know plenty of drunk people come in there. This is like also one of the hangouts that you see everybody at that you havent seen in a while.