This place should be called ""Dead End Suites"". This hotel is not recommendable, the rooms have an awful stinch in them, the carpets are full of dirt: I took off my shoes to walk accross the carpet with my socks on and the bottom of my socks were soiled from the dirty carpet, there was a huge stain underneath the love seat, there were ants crawling all over the kitchenette area, the bath and face towels had dark stains on them, the sheets looked as though they had not been washed, the refridgerater had moled all accross the top and sides, the bathroom had water leaking over the toilet wich had the bathroom floor socked. The lady at the front desk seems to be nice but she will lie and say that the towels are missing from the room after you check out so she can charge you for them. My kids would not stay there and I only stayed one night, I couldn't take it. I warn anyone to please check out a better hotel.