We booked a whale watching tour with the Victoria Clipper last spring (2010). My husband, myself and 3 young kids (4,6 and 8). The trip was supposed to go to Friday harbor where we would stay on the boat, and then head directly out for a 2 hour whale watching tour with lunch. Then back to Friday Harbor for 1 hour of free time before boarding back for Seattle. About 1/2 hour (current speed) out of Friday Harbor, I see one of the boathands run by and grab a fire extinguisher and go out the back of the boat. A few moments later, she came back in and opened up the fire hose - the kind mounted on the wall - and took that out the back of the boat. I was looking at my neighbors thinking "I can take them" if I needed to bust in and get the life perservers under their seats! Needless to say, apparently one of the engines blew up and was on fire. We managed to limp into Friday Harbor on one engine (1 hour later) with all the doors open freezing anyone on the first floor (which was everyone because they had all of the 2nd floor come downstairs). We were informed that there would be no whalewatching tour today but that we would have 3+ hours to wander around friday harbor - yippee! That's loads of fun with 3 little children wanting to touch every little object in every store. I can remember seeing the Kenmore Air plane at the dock when we arrived and thinking "it would be worth the price". After what seemed like an eternity in Friday Harbor, we went back to the Victoria Clipper dock. We all proceeded over to the Wa state Ferry dock to head back to Anacortes. Lucky us, the ferry was almost 1/2 hour late that day. Upon arriving in Anacortes, we all filed like cattle into greyhound style busses to head back to Seattle. We were informed that we would all receive 1/2 off our next trip "letters" upon arriving back in Seattle. For those that traveled far for this trip, they could fill out paperwork and "ask" for their money back.
All of this I could have forgiven - it's not their fault the boat broke - I get it. But after a long, tired, cranky day with 3 very cranky kids, I get off the bus at their terminal and go up to the representative handing out the 1/2 off letters and say "5", he looks at me and says "kids were free". Seriously bad move on his part. First off, kids were NOT free, one was full price and the other two I paid a portion for. Second, did this idiot truly not understand what hell we had all gone thru that day? To this day, my kids still don't want to go anywhere near a boat! Not only did I rip him a new one, but then I proceeded onto another representative who appeared to be freely handing out "stacks" of 1/2 off letters to anyone in her vicinity. I would have possibly considered going back at some future time (and using one of the many letters the second rep shoved in my hand), but because of this jerk and his "penny pinching" attitude, NEVER!!!!!!!