to whom it may concern,
I have attended VVC for some time. Graduated, but stayed connected for additional education. I have seen this school really go down the tubes. First the cuts that have taken place this year are horrible. I know the economy is bad but if a school can afford to remodel, rebuild roads, build buildings that are never used, there must be something wrong with the management of the school funds. I have seen massive cuts of instructors and classes. In fact I've seen students starting this quarter, Fall 2011, desperate to find classes as there are precious few to start with. In addition, Don't think that registering early is the answer as even if you get an early registration you may be dropped from your class and added to another one you don't want with out your knowledge. Go to class and discover you've been bad handed. Worse still they will bill you for that class. The communication here is just terrible.
The teachers have really gone down too. Last quarter Karen Tobmlin was the instructor for Children's Literature. She displayed actions that showed prejudice ideas and judments against people which she picked out of her class. Her grading was also questionable in this regard, as her scoring made little sense except to again reflect her biassed opinions against the certain students which she held her prejudice.
I'm just scratching the surface, VVC has some real problems which they neglect to look into or correct. I would encourage any one who has been bad handed or abused by this institution to step forward with a grievance or complaint. Write the dean or administration to start.... post online too. These problems are not going to get any better until students stand up against it and share. I would think twice before considering this as your first choice to attend college. In other words, Would I recommend it? In short... NO. There are better schools out there that offer more then VVC. Think about it.
Best regards and regrets, A Fellow Student