Teaching Vibrational Medicine: Using sound in treatment. Helping individuals to regain their vibrant health, using non-toxic, non invasive treatment modalities.
Providing Personal Therapy sessions that include voice printing (analysis) and a treatment plan for healing. Based on individuals personal needs.
Frequency is the basis or ground work for acupuncture, cranial sacral, hypnosis, sonic therapy, chiropractic treatment, music healing, EFT, Psych-K, Healing Touch, Reiki, and other alternative therapies. . Vibrational Medicine Classes,
Frequency Therapy
Sound Therapy
Personal one on one guidance.
Frequency is the basis or ground work for acupuncture,cranial sacral,hypnosis,chiropractic treatment,music healing,EFT,Psych-K,Healing Touch,Reiki,and other alternative therapies.