I went into Vibes to have an artist design a small cover-up. After a week I still hadn't heard back from Michaelangelo so I called him, he said to come in (at a specified time) that week and that he had come up with a ""couple of designs"". When I DID go in to see him, he wasn't there! When he finally DID arrive, he was at least a half hour late! As if this didn't make me mad enough, he then kept me waiting another 15 minutes while he ""farted around"" in the back room. Hmmm, I WONDER what he was doing! He called me in to take a look at the design and it was obvious that he had JUST drawn it up right then! This guy apparently doesn't take his job or customers seriously. What a waste of time.
Pros: convienient location
Cons: unprofessional, atmosphere is lame.