I have been a customer of this bar for years off and on. It's rennaissance was during the initial refurbishing by the prior owners (Mark & Rachelle Madrigal, who owned it and upgraded it for years). When it was bought by the present owners, there were high expectations of it becoming even better. Unfortunately, this did not turn out to be true. \r
I have watched as it's prior vivacious and lively staff have been replaced by a staff that can barely get you a beer even when the place is almost empty, which is usually the case even on weekends of late. The bar is divided into three bars; a dance floor with DJ at the main bar, a drag show at the center bar, and an end bar that used to be western themed, but who knows what you would call it now. The drag show has become as old and tired as most of the performers, the newly hired DJ (who replaced the prior DJ with a large following) plays what he wants when he wants, doesn't take requests, and mainly plays hardcore gangsta and house music that no one cares about, and the only thing western about the (empty) end bar is the tumbleweeds blowing by and the sounds of crickets like you would hear if someone told a bad joke.. \r
This even more abrupt downturn in business followed by faithful customers like me leaving has been caused by a distant oversight by the new owners, followed by the hiring of an inept management that has cleared out the prior personnel and replaced them with unknown faces. The customers unfortunately left with the prior personnel. The last few weekends have been empty and dismal. This makes me sad, as this bar used to be a real jewel in the area. I will not be returning, and will join the rest of the crowd that has disseminated into Seattle and even Tacoma bars in favor of watching the slow pathetic death of this once great enterprise.......Someone should buy it and bring it back to it's former glory before the owner's get kicked out of their lease due to a lack of customers and income!....How sad.
Pros: Parking, since no one goes there anymore.
Cons: Empty bar.