I took my dog to her a while back because he was vomiting, barely eating or drinking, and having diarrhea. After examining him, she didn't know what was wrong with him. She kept saying, "I'm just not sure, this is weird." It seemed to like common symptoms for a number of possible illnesses, but she never mentioned any. Instead, she just gave me medicine for his stomach ache, antibiotic, and put my pup on a bland diet. After a week and a few days he wasn't getting any better, so I took him to another vet. There I was told her could have a certain type of stomach virus or kennel cough. That vet gave him meds that treated it in less than a week. That was the first time I saw her, so maybe it was an off day. I can tell she loves animals like other reviews have said, but I'm not sure if she is always certain about her ability to diagnose or whatever. Liking animals is one thing, knowing what you're doing as a vet is another.