I read about Vespucci's in a Yelp review about the owner's response to a negative review. I was appalled at his attitude, wrote him a note about it, and called my brother, who lives in Northern VA. I asked him if he had ever eaten there and got a brief chuckle in response.
""Knucklehead,"" he sighed, ""YOU ate there. On your last trip here. You don't remember? After all that bitching?""
As soon as he said that, it all came back: out with him and his wife and four friends who live near Vespucci's, his friends paying, so we go where they want. They pick Vespucci's at random. I'm a former chef and have made Italian food - from every region - for thirty years. The friends didn't know that and my brother thought it would be fun to see my reaction.
My reaction was to simply leave the food on the plate and concentrate on the wine. Vespucci's is Italian food for people who know nothing about Italian food. Greasy, gratuitously fatty, over-seasoned, clumsy, not authentic to ANY region of Italy, this stuff reads on the menu like ambrosia and tasted like roadkill. It was EASILY the worst Italian dinner I have ever been served and, as everyone sampled everyone else's, I realized it was not just my dish.
I'm not going to go into a lot of detail here because, frankly, what was on my plate didn't deserve to be taken that seriously. As a chef and someone who has worked with GREAT Italian chefs, I was appalled at Vespucci's. People who like the place, Good Bless you. I don't like to see even bad restaurants fail but I could ALMOST make an exception for this place. If this is run,as their website suggests, by Italians, I think their memories of home are getting a tad faded. The One-Star I gave it is generous. If it were possible to remove that, I would. The best thing I can say is that we had a nice wine and our waiter was very professional. That's it. Otherwise, there is no reason for any of our party to ever go there again, as everyone agreed in the parking lot, afterwards. BRUTAL.
Cons: Food, attitude