On an average visit to the Verizon store on Rt 9 in Wappingers, expect to spend at least a half hour to get a simple question answered, or at least an hour if you have an actual problem with a phone. If you are looking to buy a phone, the staff will be all over you until you make a decision, and then will disappear for up to 20 minutes while searching for paperwork for you to fill out. The store is way too small and understaffed for the amount of business that they seem to do, and many of the staff working there do not seem to know anything about the phones or service that Verizon provides. Often when you ask someone a question, they will go to find someone else to answer your question for you, or send you to the back of a very long line for phone service. I have gone to other Verizon stores, and they have all been much better than the one in Wappingers.