I'm surprised at what some people pay for phone service. Between cell phone and home phone service, it really seems steep for the ability to talk. I personally hate the phone and use it as little as possible. I actually cringe when the phone rings. After all, I'm usually eating, in the middle of something I don't want to put down, or, well you know, going to the potty. Anyway, I refuse to pay a lot of money for something I really wish I could do without.
When I signed up for home phone service the service representative went through all the options available hoping I would finally say yes to something. I don't need all those bells and whistles I kept telling her. Just give me the cheapest service available.
Did you know that they actually had a service for under $15.00 a month? Yes, no bells, whistles or extras. Just plain old service. I don't make a lot of calls, after all, I hate the phone and what is e-mail for anyway? I'd rather use the free e-mail unless it is something I need to immediately address. I get limited area service, no long distance, but I have a phone for emergencies and those few times you just have to make a phone call.
I have Verizon service. It does what it's suppose to do. The service representatives are very helpful when needed and polite to talk to. The added bonus, I save at least $15.00. I think the cheapest service through any competitor is $30.00.
If you're trying to save money and don't need the phone a lot, check with your local provider. I bet they have a cheap service that you didn't even know about. Also, if you use your cell phone more than your home phone, this would be great too. I can't cut my home phone because my cell phone doesn't work inside the house.