Entering place started out ok, girl behind bar was overly friendly which is what customer service is about.The bartender asked for id, noproblem again thats how it should be got our drinks and even change the tv for us,again no problem, But then this mean womans face who didnt smile came out of the kitchen to take order did not smile and at that piont i was afraid to order cuz looked like she was gonna do something to my food. I did order an antipasta with feta cheese, my friend orderd a chicken palm, when we recieved food no one time did anyone ever ask us how is everthing or would u like another drink, the ownere wife for some reason told me when her husband came out of the kitchen that is my husband i have no clue y she said it but she was rude i couldnt eat my food after that she made me feel like i did not belong in her place, What got me was she serviced the people from head to toe passing us four times never saying a word, thats when i stated to friend WOW what service they got i politely asked for togo container thats when she got it and threw in gentley onto counter that was it for me i didnt even wanna take it home i felt like we were not wanted there i paid and did not leave a tip sad to say is the person who sufferd was from her good service was the friendly bartender. I just want to say i know the diffrence between good service and bad service the food was not good and her attitude made it worst. i will inform friends of this place.