When my boyfriend and I first moved in we LOVED it. Spent our 6 month lease VERY happy. Signed another 6 month leave but went from a one bedroom to a two. The move went fine (we only got charged for carpet cleaning which is a normal expense when moving out of apartments). The second bedroom went OK, the people above us were very loud and we actually called a few times in the middle of the night to have then quieted. Then we went to move out, cleaned the whole apartment, got out, had no problems. Then about two weeks later we get a call saying we are being sent to collections in 4 days if we do not get them a check for some extra charges. They charged us for ""burnt out lights"" - which there were none, a dirty sink - which was clogged and we had a work order in for them to fix, and a whole bunch of other misc. charges that I know I personally cleaned, did, or know did not need to be done. We do not bother fighting them about these chargers because we are nice people, but only giving us 4 days to get them a check is crazy! We over nighted a check to them and three days later they STILL are saying they have not gotten it and that we will be sent to collections tomorrow (though collections cannot do anything about it for 90 days as we just moved out two weeks prior to all this). We have been calling and calling and get nothing but the run about. Though the living was fine, the moving out is beyond trouble!!! Just save yourself the worry and stress and anger and do not live there. I mean it was ok, but not for the trouble we have gone through in the past 4 days because they want to take as much money from us as they can! UGH never again will I live there nor will I ever recommend it to any one else. I now also have found other friends that had the same problems, just find another better and nicer place. I think part is because the office staff is ALWAYS changing so no one knows what is even going on