Venice Beach used to be the place where you could show up at any hour of the day or night and enjoy yourself. Not anymore....Watch out for Vagrants that at first sight look like normal people but are actually on a crime spree. They target single females or people they think they can rob, and that can be anyone.\r
The Robbers include: groups of young women, they've robbed people, who were unsuspecting of a group of young girls. Single young men, or a group of young men, who seem like tourist but are really drhug addicts. Watch out! Dont be caught unawares. Venice is not at all what it used to be. lots of drhug addicts, lots of crime.\r
Single women used to be able to go down to the beach at night, not any more. There are guys looking out for just this situation, and they will rob and ghang rhape you...\r
Be cautioned , be aware.
Pros: beach, ecclectic vibe, italian sausage and potatoes with soda
Cons: Crime Spree on unsuspecting persons, by people you wouldnt expect either