Now, without giving my age, let me just say that this is the place where I held my first job! Paul Cook was the owner at that time, I believe he has since passed on.
Cooks Velvet Freeze is known for their "Fresh Limes" which is nothing more than 7-up with a fresh lime squeezed into it. No matter how often I do this at home it just doesn't taste the same.
This is a drive up, fast food restaurant. There are a few benches outside but not many. Most people drive up to the window, order their food and take it home to eat. But you can also go to the front windows to order, which is what happens on hot days. You can order old fashion milk shakes, soft serve ice cream, banana splits and all will be made fresh as you wait.
Not fancy but if you are looking for a throwback from the 60's or 70's this is the place to stop. And make sure you try their Fish N Chips, I promise you won't find them made like this anywhere else! Order the fish with cheese, you will be pleasantly surprised!