Once you have reached the decision to seek out a divorce lawyer in Louisville KY, you have reached a very serious point in your life and relationship where you need the power of a divorce lawyer to assess your long-term objectives and escort you through to the results you envision. We assume this is a very difficult time in your life. You are making the right choice to seek legal advice if you have found yourself thinking you need to contact a divorce lawyer in Louisville KY.
Whether a contested divorce or an uncontested divorce, the goal of a divorce in Kentucky is to come to a resolution on all major issues and dissolve your marriage. Typically, these issues revolve around child custody, visitation, child support, maintenance (sometimes called spousal support or alimony), marital property and marital debt division and attorneys fees and costs.
Our law firm represents clients seeking a divorce lawyer in Louisville KY for cases within Jefferson and surrounding counties. As a client, you will find developed systems and procedures focused on helping people who:
- need to avert a major family or financial catastrophe;
- seek family and divorce law planning with long-term positive results in mind;
- want their divorce and family law issues to be aggressively represented by a Louisville divorce lawyer.
. Whether a contested divorce or an uncontested divorce,the goal of a divorce in Kentucky is to come to a resolution on all major issues and dissolve your marriage. Typically,these issues revolve around child custody, visitation, child support, maintenance (sometimes called spousal support or alimony), marital property and marital debt division and attorneys fees and costs.