I had a horrible experience here. While the staff was helpful and friendly, the Vet that we saw, Dr. Campbel, was discourteous and unhelpful. When I walked in the door with my 4 year-old daughter and cat she was having a loud discussion with someone about how orangutans have been know to rape women and how she is lucky that this didn't happen to her.
From there things got worse. When I made the appointment I had explained that the main reason I was coming in was to discuss options for a behavioral urination problem, including antidepressants and a pheromone product that I have heard good things about called Feliway. When Dr. Campbel came in the room I told her that my cat was urinating outside the litter box and that I was fairly sure that it was behavioral because her eating, drinking, urination and defecation were all normal and that we were having a baby in 2 weeks and preparing for a cross county move. When I brought up the antidepressants Dr. Campbel interrupted me and said, "No don't do that", and when I tried to discuss it with her she compared it to me putting my daughter on antidepressants if she was wetting the bed! After she refused to give me any information on antidepressants, I asked about other options. The only suggestions she had was that I clean the litter box; as if we hadn't thought of that. Then I asked about the Feliway, a pheromone product that I had read in some online parenting groups has worked well for people with similar problems. She was dismissive and basically told me that I was stupid to be trying to get information from the internet.
If it weren't for the fact that having brought my cat to the vet already caused her considerable stress and I didn't want to put her through it again I would have walked right out and gone somewhere else. As it is I received no help for my problem and left frustrated and angry.