I was KAD's playing partner (see previous review). VC Park is a nice, convenient course, with some interesting and challenging holes. However, the last four holes are located across the Major Deegan Expressway, isolated from the clubhouse and the rest of the course. The 16th hole in particular borders a playground and some woods behind some residential buildings. There are several holes in the fence separating the residences and the course, of which locals enter and terrorize the golfers on the 16th hole. The second to last time I played VC Park, we had to wait until about 20 youths, some on bicycles, finished traipsing along the fairway and playing in the sand bunkers before we could tee off. And most recently, two youths sprung out of the woods while we getting ready to tee off, grabbed some items from our golf cart and fled the scene. Lucky for us, KAD and myself are runners -- we were able to notice what was going on in time, gave chase and luckily they dropped their loot before disappearing through the fence and into the woods.
Pros: Close to Manhattan, Assessable by Subway
Cons: You may not be safe on certain sections of this course