That's right, you read my title right!
At Value City you can get NAME brand clothes, purse, dishes, shoes, jewelry, cologne, perfume, baby accessories like cribs, play pens, car seats, bouncers, strollers........this is just the cake! For the Icing we have men's suits, luggage, curtains, bedding, kitchen table & chairs, chest, dressers, entertainment centers and LOTS MORE! Brand names include but are not limited to : FUBU, Nike, New Balance, Buster Brown, Osh Kosh, Liz Claiborn, Tommy, Guess, Ralph Lauren/Polo, American Eagle, Express......and the list goes on!
Value city is a store from which you can buy name brand things that are close outs, buy outs, end of season, over stock, etc.
Some examples of things I have gotten here are:
1 Queen comforter set- Retail price $69.99,
Value City Price COST:$29.99
3 Booster seats Retail $25/ea
ch, Value City price $11/each
1 New Balance T-Shoes= Retail $/80,
Value City Cost $49.99
1 Sketchers T-shoes Retail $50
Value City Cost $19.99
Here's a
to a review that I did on Labor weekend. This is just one of their many, many, many awesome clearance deals they have! On average their clearance is anywhere from 20% up to 90% off!!! I have gotten items for as little as 80cents in the past for baby sandals, character socks, bucket hats for the kids, a few shirts for my husband....the list goes on.
If you are able to get to one of these stores or have one locally, you ought to make good use of the store!!! I bought my daughter some school clothes there & paid $7.99-9.99 for jeans like Zanidi and Revolt. I bought 5 outfits, 2 pair of shoes, socks & underwear for her for $75 if that can give you an idea of what they have!
I know I've wrote a novel, but I just can't express how this store has $aved us so much money! And I am SO glad I live only 10 minutes from this store! Without it, I don't know what I'd do!