I'm not surprised at all by the rpevious review. Years ago, Vallon Proerties took over a house I was living in because the owners were getting a divorce. I had been a tenant of that building for a couple years. I have never in my life been late with rent. I was without gas in my apartment for an entire month before I finally called the city. That is what it took to finally get AJ Vallon and his cronies on site. I guess that made them mad because after that they started claiming that my mailed-in rent checks weren't making it to their office. After several ""late fees"", I started dropping them off in the mailbox. My boyfriend lived in the same building. He dropped off a rent check in their mailbox once and they still tried to claim it never made it to them. When he showed up at the office they found it in a stack of ""mail"" on their desk. When I moved out of that apartment they said that I didn't clean it and wanted to withhold some of my deposit. Too bad for them I had dated photographs of the spotless apartment I left behind. I can't believe they are still around.