Well, Helen I agree with you everyone has a right to their opinion, but when you goto an establishment to spend your money and knowing the owner gives to a well known hate group that is fighting against your cousins basic human rights to exist and be recognized as a person. Well, thats where I draw the line, you say you love your gay cousin if you really loved him why do you go to an establishment that represses and quite frankly out to destroy the gay community ? Doesn't make any sense. You think just turning a blind eye and going in their empty headed will make things different ? Its like keeping quite about the wife beater, he is good dad but whenever he drinks he beats up on his wife...but he's a good dad though ? You see what I am saying ? You cant go through life with blinders knowing, thinking all is fine..if people keep on thinking like you do then things will and I guarantee turn out not for the best. So don't be mislead by the smiles and fake caring, that doctor is out to d