Please tear down the buildings in the Landing of Brentwood before people burn to death in a fire. I have a backround in this field and when a building start listing like they are a fire hazard from the wire arcing can cause spontaneous combustion with the years of bug sprays . I have went to Gov. Haslam to ask for a grant to the Owner to help in the cost of more Units to help repay any business debt this property would be paid in full less than two years and they need apartments anyway. Tons of Brown Recluse get in because the foundation is shot underneath and water is eroding it away , the apartments list and are twisting to bad for a repair . Governor they need torn down four at a time and rebuilt on flat ground parking area with better drainage. it floods on the parking lots and slides under the buildings and foundation washes away. windows can not be opened unless you really pull up. If a fire break out the windows swell and are harder to get open so can you imagine