Depends on who helps you, alot of the employees were nice, but one employee came up to me asked if I needed help, I told her I kept hearing everyone talk about the 20% off coupon, and wondered how they got it, was it possible I could find one somewhere. She asked if I was part of their internet club online, I said no, and said that's the only way you can get it, This did not bother me, what did bother me... alot, was when she was two feet away asked another couple if she could help them, asked if they were apart of the club, there was a coupon, they said ""no"" she said well don't worry I know you've been here before I can give you the 20 percent off. Wow, I was pretty shocked by that behavior, would've been fine if I was not right there ... two feet away,, get some manners! But all the other employees were polite, needless to say that one employee turned me off of the store, and although there were 5 things I thought about buying I walked out empty handed. No coupon, no manners, no sale!