Since this post office is closing, I moved my box to another post office and I'm glad I did. I started telling a friend about getting other people's mail in my box at the Tornado Post Office and he said that everyone he knew had the same problem. Then, he pointed out that if someone else got my mail, they could steal my identity. After that, I read the Tornado Post Office is on the list of post offices to be closed. So, instead of renewing my box here, I got a box at another post office. I've since talked to other people who've done the same thing. They say they were told at the Saint Albans Post Office that a lot of people were moving and that they're running out of boxes. I'm glad I moved while I could still get a box at another post office. It was a pain to switch my address, but if I'd waited until the Tornado Post Office was closed, I might not have been able to get another box!