Us Crane Llc


601 Ridgeview Dr
Waco, GA 30182

(770) 574-2637
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Us Crane Llc - Waco, GA
Us Crane Llc - Waco, GA
Us Crane Llc - Waco, GA
Us Crane Llc - Waco, GA
Us Crane Llc - Waco, GA
Us Crane Llc - Waco, GA
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Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen/women and Coasties, served, still serve, and shall continue to serve, so that the Constitution of the United States of America cannot be so tram...


Theres no real company. This guy is an impostor . How are you going to say something like ""not hiring until Obama is gone""?????? What kind of business are you running? unless i...

What Crane Company????????? 11/28/2011

Theres no real company. This guy is an impostor . How are you going to say something like ""not hiring until Obama is gone""?????? What kind of business are you running? unless its fake? more

Lost my business 11/27/2011

This guy has decided to destroy his own company for the sake of a silly political statement against Obama. Obviously your money would be better spent elsewhere. more

What cranes? 11/27/2011

It is rather hilarious that there is precisely no evidence on this ""company""'s cartoonish website that ""they"" have actually ever built a crane. Only a fool would risk their safety dealing with someone who's talents obviously lie more in foaming like a cappucinno than designing and building anything significant. more

Redneck Republican Racist 11/27/2011

This guy doesn't have too much going on upstairs. He's a typical Republican. Just reaches in the sky for things to say against a black President. What he doesn't realize is this is the 21st century and he needs to keep his white robe and hat in the closet. I just hope he's smart enough to realize when his business starts dropping and he eventually goes under he has no one but himself to blame. more

Hate groups and disrespect? 11/26/2011

Is that what America is all about? Bill Looman belongs to hate groups and militia groups. He has made threats against our president. Now he's hiding with his tail between his legs. What a coward. Is this the kind of person you want working for you? more

Anti-American Bigots and Terrorists 11/26/2011

This shameful, anti-American company is attemtping to destory the economy and bring down America. Owner claims to be an ex- Marine but besmirches the honor of that organization. If you love your country, avoid this nest of domestic terrorists. They MUST be put of business ASAP to save our nation. Please do all you can to destroy U.S. Cranes LLC and SAVE AMERICA. more

Gratefull but....... 11/26/2011

I would first of all like to say thank you to the gentleman (Bill) for his service to this country. However, he obviously has a short memory or a selective memory as to who got us into this current financial fix. It was George W. Bush. However, that really doesn't matter to you! If Bush were still the Pres. you sure as hell would not be using similar slogans refusing to add employees until Bush Was Gone! Also, your stupid sticker on your sight is truly offensive (I have a right to freedom of speech too pal!) You put down Obama and all Americans that have not served in the military as ""having done nothing for their country."" Pissed me off! I would remind you (though you probably have not knowledge of ) Winston Churchhill who spoke to the miners that toiled in the mines and not in the military, that the war effort would have been lost had it not been for ""those who dug the coal."" They (civilians) were as important as anyone who wore the uniform. more

Doesn't care about his country. 11/26/2011

What I find most unsettling about Us Crane is that they put politics over their fellow countrymen. They seem to be shooting themselves in the foot. What are they thinking? In my opinion, they are NOT thinking, and I will not do business with them. It's their right to disagree with the president - but live by the sword-die by the sword. And to attempt to hold the economy hostage? I don't think this is helpful to our country. It's un-American to not work together for the greater good. Although in a way, it's kind of laughable, I mean this racist individual doesn't have as much power as he would like to think. There's not much going on in the crane rental market due to lack of new construction in the over-leveraged, overly service/finance/real estate sector economy south. It's an adjustment - and one that poor misunderstood racist Us Crane will not live through. In reality, dinosaurs go extinct. more

America First 11/25/2011

Our Constitution does give us the right to expression, and that right is given to ALL Americans. You don't have to like what is being said but we all have the right to speak our mind. And on that note, apparently this company puts politics before people. Along with too many others, this company would rather see our country fall into complete ruin rather than give this elected government one iota of help turning our economy around. How is that American? more

Racist Domestic Terrorist 11/25/2011

Have you read the hate-filled screeds this scumbag has written? As a U.S. Army veteran, this S.O.B. makes my blood boil. I hope that the FBI is investigating him for making threating statements. This jackwad needs to remember that racist a**holes like him aren't the only ones who are armed. Bring it, traitor! more

Triator to the U.S. 11/25/2011

This hatefilled bigot is a traitor to this country. In a time when we are trying to improve this nation, he is working toward its detriment, in a time of war no less. Like all traitors he should be shot. Any enabling company using its vendors services should be boycotted, any driver caught with the sign on thier vehicle should be shown how ""inconvenient"" TAR & FEATHERS can be. If he doesn't like our LEGALLY ELECTED government he should be made to give up his citizenship and leave the country. PARTY BEFORE COUNTRY=TREASON. more

Back peddling coward ! 11/25/2011

For the whole story about this unamerican sabateur of our fairly elected government. Go to : www.examiner(dot)com/liberal-in-baltimore/part-1-what-this-no-hiring-until-obama-gone-story-teaches-us-about-media (Replace the word (dot) with a period as this site will not process my review in its original form) more

A True American Man! 11/25/2011

Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen/women and Coasties, served, still serve, and shall continue to serve, so that the Constitution of the United States of America cannot be so trampled as to rob any American of their right to freedom of expression. All of you who have been less than kind in your assessment of Bill for his practice of that freedom, should be ashamed of yourselves. Every American has the right of freedom of speech, through the printed word or spoken, and for you to look down upon that right is to declare that not only do you not believe in the American Constitution, but to also declare to all that listen that you do not care to be branded an American. How sad that is. more

RACIST SCUM 11/25/2011

You are disgusting excuses for human beings. Jesus will wave to as you take the down escalator to the rewards you deserve... more

Cranes 11/25/2011

hey I bought a crane from this guy and it broke and he will not answer my calls or emails WTF he gets these cranes from China and they are not worth CRAP. DO NOT BUY FROM THIS COMPANY!!!! more

Anybody Who Is Not Socialism Is Racist? 11/25/2011

You Fidiot Libtards should be ashamed of your hateful intolerance towards a business owner who is tired of government working against the People. Your infantile attacks that anybody who is against one of the worst excuses for a President in history is racist simply because he happens to be Black is laughable. Blacks can't be socialists? Incompetant? Really? You attack this guy because he admits what the rest of us already know, what the Tea Party Knows, What OWS knows, What the Congressional Business Office knows, What Main Street Knows. That Obama was, is and will be a failure and a drag against real solutions until he is replaced with somebody who will reign in government spending and make the tax code equally shared by all Americans. instead of treating the rich as if they were giant sacks of blood and the rest of us vampires., Bill is only stating the truth and why does his bumper sticker get hate when yours that asks us to tolerate 4 more years of socialist failure does not. more

you should be ashamed 11/25/2011

you put your racist opinion out there on your trucks and your web site and yet get indignant when it comes back to you, Shame on you. You should go out of business for being stupid more

Not a racist......simply telling the truth. 11/25/2011

I applaud this man as well as his company. He is saying out loud what 95% of company owners in this country are saying privately. Obama has been a drain on our economy. He has put every man, woman, and child in this country into more debt than we'll ever be able to pay our way out of. He has been as anti-business as was possible. He has squandered our tax dollars on his donors (can you say Solynra?). He has a corrupt head of the justice department who he backs 100%. Obama is the one who should be tried for treason. more

Patronage here fuels treason 11/24/2011

This guy is a trouble. The owner has proposed violence upon the President and our nation through armed means. Pig (racist-idiot) owner should be investigated for treason and inciting governmental overthrow. He represents Failure: as an American, business owner and human being. Find a civically minded and engaged business owner instead. They'll appreciate the business and you'll feel better knowing your dollars wont fuel Mr. Looman's proposed government takeover and call to bloodshed. I would certainly want to know about these things about those with whom I do business. (The owner's racist and treasonous rants are not the result of courage or bravery, but rather from his self-congratultory, bigoted mind that simply can't control itself. Owner in serious need of counseling after lengthy incarceration. Threatening and encouraging an armed takeover is a terrorist ploy and routing your dollars to him supports such activity. ) more

This man will fail for his own pride of being a racist 11/24/2011

The Bible states you should pray for your leaders. Yet we have the Repulicans knocking down anything that Obama try to past to help the Americans. Bill you are soo the same as the people in the Senate and Congress. We should create jobs to help out America. But, you are one who will see us fall for your own pride. If PRESIDENT Obama said the sky was blue, you would argue and say no, its light blue.. or its not even blue at all.. When Bush was in office and said bird poop is falling out the sky and its eatable you guys would eat a boat load of it.. PRESIDENT OBAMA 2012 more
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