Listen... My wife used to create restaurants for people for a living, and I'm not talking about just anywhere. She did places you read about in Food & Wine Magazine, Bon Apetit, Saveur, whatever. She was a restaurant consultant, and she is an expert, and even she was impressed by what Urban had to offer. I am not an adventurous diner by any stretch of the imagination, and yet, when we went to Urban, she made me try everything. Guess what? I wanted to hate it... I thought I hated peas... tried that pea soup and thought I was in love. Never in my life thought I'd like goat cheese, duck, or figs, yet wifey told me I tried it and couldn't get enough. Oysters. What the heck? Never had anything but those things with cocktail sauce and crackers, and the chef, Mix, explained the difference between those different types I tried, and sure enough, there really is a variety of flavors between them! I'm a stubborn traditionialist, but this restaurant made me feel so different, so informed, and so damn satisfied, that I felt like someone hip as hell walking in the door, and the place made the wife's and my night . Does this make me metrosexual?!?