Have you visited Urban Mercantile lately? Located in the city of cable cars and Alcatraz, this San Francisco based store offers the rest of us e-commerce so we can shop online. Their website is a sublime haven for shoppers craving refined modern household goods. Sumptuous linens, ceramics and glass are just a few of their offerings. I like the the graphic pillow in muted tones of taupe and powder blue on muslin, silk screen printed by the hands of Kevin Harris. Did you see the Keokeo (Hawaiian term for muslin) glass vases and bowls? They are hand-crafted by Daniel Wooddell. The pomegranate ceramics created by Whitney Smith are another favorite. Artist Lina Felicia renders enticing graphics in brown and white on these hand silk screened toss pillows. Visit them live at 85 Carl Street or online at http://www.urbanmercantile.com/