John is a great listener, funny, and thorough. He gives a smooth delivery of acupuncture needles, deep tissue massage and acupressure, as well as herbal medicines to help prolong the bodywork. He has helped me de-stress (as a person & as a body-worker myself), improved my digestion, and helped me out of chest, shoulder and wrist pain - Improved the functioning Me! He has a great way of making you feel comfortable in his space, and while you're on the table; he always tells you why he's putting needles in parts of the body, and he never leaves the room without letting you know. I trust him and his training background. If you'd met me 4 months ago you'd know that I'm a changed woman! Go!
Pros: Soothing, very clean space, in a quiet building. Soothing music.
Cons: No cons.