Sunday services are thought-provoking, if not inspirational, and they are very diverse in topic. When we first visited we were welcomed with open arms and quickly became members. The youth religious education program makes learning fun, and my child looks forward to the weekly ""classes,""' as well as their special events like Super Sundays and Social Action Sundays. They also have an interesting adult RE and a great teen fellowship. We also enjoy the Sunday mUUUSic program, which ranges from traditional (hymns) to classical (amazing pianist) to contemporary (the UUUS band plays songs from Frank Sinatra to Bob Marley to Katie Perry). There are several community and interest groups for you to join, as well as committee groups. Every second Tuesday of the month there is a potluck following services as a way of welcoming new visitors and building a sense of community. There is such much to love about this church, I could go on and on. Stop by one'll be glad you did.