It took me many years to attend church again. I was asked repeatedly to attend Unity at FTW but did not want to feel the seperatness again. Finally, I relented and went. However, I said "I will go..but I'm riding my Harley, showing my tattos and seating in the back. If I feel for one moment the emotions of unworthiness,and judgement I am leaving. Well, It just so happens that the Universe and God knows what I need even before I do. It was Rock and Roll Sunday. I found, a place were I fit, were I could call my spiritual home while here on this physical plane. And I say thanks. Thanks to God, who always knows exactly what we need, and thanks to Unity of Fort Worth for making me feel, and know I belong and am worthy. Thank you Pastor Paul, every Sunday, you provide layers by speaking of the things I just happened to be thinking of and going through. Thank you, Melinda, for through you I have a beautiful voice in the family of God. Thank you to all the spirit filled people who week after week love without conditions, accept without judgements, everyone right where they are.