Spiritual Formation for all Ages Making God a reality, a presence and a power in our life helps us nurture our relationship with God. We offer a place for you to mature in faith, deepen your spiritual roots and expand your ability to identify God's presence in your lives. Through worship, prayer, reading; studying scripture, small groups, retreats and more, we encourage one another to further develop our relationship with God through Christ. Hands-On Ministry Contributing to God's kingdom of peace and justice allows us to experience the ministry of Christ in the world. We offer many hands-on service opportunities where you can experience Christ's presence through teaching a class, leading a small group, stuffing bulletins, serving at a shelter, building with Habitat, visiting the homebound or hospitalized, delivering meals, answering phones and helping with mailings. These are a few of the ways we create face to face, person to person, direct engagement in acts of compassion, mercy, justice and peace. It is this personal experience of Christ which drives us into worship to praise God for what we experience and into spiritual formation to help us cope with and understand what we have experienced. Life Situation Ministry Transitioning through life's challenging stages exposes our need for God's grace and for a connection with a faith community. During times of transition, we strive to be agile and focused in providing spiritual care offering fellowship and entering relationships while mediating God's grace to one another. Transition moments include: entering marriage, grieving a loss, becoming a parent, parenting adolescents, becoming empty-nesters, caring for aging parents, enduring chronic or terminal illness, going through divorce, losing a job, moving to a new community, changing career and more. Faith Sharing Sharing how God and church make a difference in our lives is an act of faithfulness and of genuine friendship.