Well its ok I mean its a damn jail.Most of the C O 'S are pretty good when you come to visit.Some act like we are trash to because we are visiting someone in jail.I personally resent that feeling ,just because we are there helping someone doesnt make the visiter trash,or a criminal.Its quite rough for us to be there also so just be nice. Then when ya visit ya here about some of the unfair ness of the C O' S,there is FEMALE nurse type who pushes her power to the max,inside the jail and out in the local TAVERENS..\r
We were always under the impression what she learns on her job stays on her job,and NOT OUT ON THE STREET I guess NOT,so typical of ulster county. Are these in the interest of her or the public gossip?\r
We fair people wanna know/ can or is it legal for her to take inmate information out on the street,?is it ok because they are inmates...doesnt seem right to me? reading the mail and then its contents get sptread all over the jail ,,how low can your stajj go..arent they supposed to be better then what is in behind BARS