*1-Hour Film Processing*Passport Photos* FREE Parking Validation* 1-Hour Film Processing* Professional Photography* Weddings & Events* Ulmerphoto, independently owned in Stockton, CA offers you the latest in interesting and innovative solutions for your photo memories. Whether you use film or digital, we'll produce outstanding prints and offer you a wide variety of unique creative ideas to enjoy your pictures.ASSOCIATIONTown & Country buying groupAffiliate member of PRO buying groupPhoto Marketing Association International. *Cameras - Film - Repairs*Photo CD Service*Photo Restoration*Prints From Digital Files & Cameras*Student Photo Supplies*Print-to-Print*Black & White Processing*Color EnlargementsProud to offer for purchase all the PRO Branded products. We still stock many of the Black & White darkroom supplies. Our prices and services are student friendly. We do U.S. Passport photos and U.S. Naturalization photos. Photo Restoration Services AvailableBRANDCannonSamsungOlympusPentaxFujiKodakPromasterIlford