I just moved and needed a key and mailbox since i was in a community area.I got the box and everything seemed fine until people and businesses were getting their mail returned saying could not locate address.This mail had the same address on it that mail i was getting had.So i went to the east stroudsburg post office and said i wanted to speak to the post master but was told he was unavailable,so i said id like to speak to the next in charge,i was told i would talk to a supervisor ,great!I explain my delimma and she tells me she will have to check out things on my end ,and if thats okay, look for postal carelessness,and she will give me a call tomorrow.I said great and thank you.Well tomorrow comes but no phone call,so i go to the post office and ask for her,when she comes out i say so whats the progress?she looks at me and says i dont know what youre talking about?I said remember me im the guy you spoke to yesterday about not recieving my mail and you said you would work on it and get back to me.Suffice to say she was completely clueless and explained how a whole tracking procedure would have to be undertaken to solve the problem ,which would probably taake 2 to 3 weeks!I told her thanks for nothing and left went to another post office,rented a box and have all my mail now.Even the mailman that delivers to the community is arrogant in his attitude and delivers the mail late.Its no wonder the postal service is going out of business, their employees are lazy disrespectful and take no pride in their job.at least at the east stroudsburg branch.And the feds want to run the country,no that is a laugh.sincerely yours, another jerky taxpayer.