My mom passed away and this owner came to her house when my brothers and I were packing up her stuff. He packed up some stuff there but then took most back to his store on AVENIDA ENCINAS NEXT TO RALPH'S ACROSS FROM THE BEACH and packed it there. My mom had some wafer thin bone china that I thought for sure would break, but he packed it in a box inside another box with loads of bubbles and peanuts and it all arrived safe and sound. We had 20 + glass paintings, very valuable, and lots of fragile glass items. It all got to 3 different addresses throughout the country with nothing broken. That other review has the wrong store. I hope they see this and fix it because they wrote the same review for 2 different stores, and this couldn't possibly be the store JDNCARLSBAD is talking about. I give them 10 STARS!