You remember Dave Taylor, Dave Taylor III and Jennifer Hartley, Yep those at one point were my bosses, They screwed up everything, We never got paid on time, We never were treated right, We were practically slaves, I left and found a better job, Dave taylor the III is the biggest Assinine Coke head Alcoholic Sexual Harrasser, and The BIGGEST LIAR ever, He cheated on his wife with two of his ""Best"" Customers, He is currently getting a divorce by his wife who left him with all 4 of his kids, Thank god she's getting out, Jennifer also cheated on her husband, with an old man with no job who rides a bike and is an alcoholic, WAY TO GO!! Oh yea, They don't leave until 9 am when they are piss ass drunk, Have you seen Dave's truck? Looks like he went mug bogging but with cement walls and a sludge hammer, He has passed out drunk on his front lawn so many times, his kids are so used to his behavior, it's what to be expected of Dave, His huge ass strawberry nose, That should be a huge sign that the guy is a drunk, oh, your a customer? While you are sitting there thinking that everything is amazing, imagine us Chefs in the kitchen, there is only 3 of us, sweating our asses off, getting our asses handed to us, getting yelled at to speed up the service because we are so behind because we is a tight wad and never wants to hire someone because he is so broke, because he spends his money on booze and Coke. And sexually harrasses all the waitresses, once he was so drunk, he thought he was texting his Mistress, instead, in his drunken stupor, Texted his 2nd youngest daughter, asking her if she'd like to screw and suck him off, yea, you think this guy is great, Yea the food and atmosphere is so wonderful, and yea, wait, you had a banquet there too? That's wonderful, because you see those girls who are sweating, filling up the food, and bartending the shit out of a wedding, for them to never be paid, for them to walk home because there car payment are late and they don't have a phone, because the 100$ they were supposed to get were supposed to go to their Tuition, Their Kids, Their bills, Their Hard working selves, they don't get paid, but hey that's great, because they all lost there jobs and will actually get unemployment because the Hotel Grill is no more. Yep, The owners took it back over, and the taylor family has once again screwed over another restaurant and has to file bankrupcy because History Repeats its self.
Pros: Great Workers
Cons: Taylor family screws up everything