While I have been a customer of theirs for years, this year I am particularly disappointed. They have a good product, and my lawn is relatively free of weeds and nicely green, one of the best in the neighborhood and I am always complimented on it. My complaint is that they never call before they come (it appears they had the wrong phone number, even though I have gone over this with them more than once). Additionally, once at the home, they just do their thing without even knocking on my door. I usually have something to say, or mention, and would expect a little common courtesy in that regard. This last time they came while I was on vacation, left me a nastygram saying to quit scalping the lawn (I cut it at 4"") and to ""make sure I water it in with 5-7 days"" (I was gone for another 10 days.) When I called to complain, the girl on the other end of the phone just couldn't stop laughing at me while I talked. This is customer service? I don't think so. While I have enjoyed their work in the past, and I still think it's a good product, their poor customer service leads me to stop working with this company.