I purchased a Cannondale (as well as my friend) from this bike shop. Owner's attitude...both on separate occasions...was utterly indifferent whether we purchased a bike or not. (we were both surprised to have same experience when comparing stories.)
I recently needed a repair, and owner failed to call me when repair was done. I phoned in a few days later to find out it was done.
Owner's statement to me when I asked a question about the repair...word-for-word...""I don't know how to put this in terms YOU will understand (assuming I know nothing about bikes apparently) but I guess i'll try..."" It seemed rather arrogant to assume a customer who purchased a mid-level road bike knows nothing about bikes! Again, I was surprised to have such an unusual experience in a small bike shop.
Buying quality bikes at small bikes shops is not just about purchasing a bike, but establishing a relationship for continued business through the years. I'll be taking my family's business elsewhere.