We had a dehumidifier installed by Trotter (tech Brandon Woods) in June 2011. There was an immediate problem cause by excessive noise in the location he had chosen, directly below a bedroom.
Brandon moved the dehumidifier on July 1. He was in a hurry because he was leaving for the holiday weekend with his wife and no kids. The pipe which connects the dehumidifier to the extraction pump (to move the water out of the house) was not seated. It leaked. Unfortunately we were also busy for the 4th of July and did not find it for several days. By then it had spread throughout the workshop, into stored lumber, under the wall and into the next room, where it flooded the new stack of drywall just delivered on July 1st for refinishing a basement room.
Trotter was closed for the holiday. I reached Greg, the sales guy, but no one came out. We cleaned up the muddy, heavy, smelly drywall mess ourselves, got a shop vac to suck up the water, and spent the weekend cleaning. Brandon came out eventually and saw the water trail, the remaining drywall mess, the new mold damage to the wall & support post, the items damaged that were on the floor in those rooms, etc. He said he would take care of it. I insisted on a drip pan and sensor for the next time the pump fails.
On July 18th he made Trotter's first corrective action: Brandon brought 2 incorrectly sized, cheap off-the-shelf drip pans from a big box store and a sensor. It was a 20 minute solution that will not prevent future problems. As for the damages, he said "There is nothing in Trotter's contract that shows any responsibility for damages caused by installation. We will not do anything for you."
Now I will have to replace the lumber, a wall's worth of drywall, tear apart the wall (not the one which had been about to be drywalled), re-clad the support post, AND replace the ineffective drip pans. Expensive.
NO RESPONSE from management to date (Aug 2011). No returned calls or other contact.