I dropped my car off on Tuesday Evening after 5 pm.... Yesterday I called after 4 pm and was told they had gotten behind and that it would be done tomorrow. At noon a lady called myhusband told him it would be $400 to fix the car, it needed a new fuel filter, wires, plugs, Rotor, Rotor Cap $128.95 for parts and $258 for labor. My husband said wait we just replaced all of that within the LAST TWO Weeks there is no way. Besides our car doesn't even have a Rotor Cap it's an Ignition pack and that was also replaced. Turned out it wasn't even our car but a 3 year earlier model than ours. She said oh sorry she'd get with Mike and call us back. 2 hours later we called and were told that they hadn't even got to it yet. I called and spoke with Mike and asked specifically if he could get it done TODAY. He assured me it wasn't a problem and he'd see me this evening. My husband called him then at 4:15 pm to check on the status knowing I was on the way home. Mike then preceeded to tell him that he hadn't gotten to it and would need at least another day. My husband got upset said you didn't even get it on a lift? Mike then said that all he did was test it today and we needed the fuel pump but we didnt understand... My husband said No you don't understand, you've had it for two days why hadn't you at least got it on a lift? Mike responded with well ""we've been really busy and you know I have to do the other jobs first"" My husband said so basically my $ is not good enough for you? No response was given. I normally do not complain on-line because it is way too easy to do. However, I feel in this case I have to warn other consumers about all of this. Basically, Cross your fingers and hope for the best. On a side note, be careful of the cars also. Our nephew just bought a car a week ago from the Auto Sales side and already is having a service engine light come on for an O2 sensor and they told him today it wasnt an issue it was a PVC valve not to worry. Turned out it was an O2 Sensor which he had to diagnose with his own Scanalyser. Just be forwarned..... we truly beleive in given chances bit we have heard way too much that this place is a LAST RESORT!