Dr. Eleanor E. Greene began her Obstetrics and Gynecology in High Point in 1986 at Pinewest Ob/Gyn. In 1989, she left Pinewest to start her own solo OB/Gyn practice and later incorporated it as Triad Women's center. In 1985, Dr. Greene had to consider other practice options because of the effects of managed care on the independent practice of medicine. Therefore, she and triad Women's Center merged with approximately 20other practices into a multispecialty group, Cornerstone Health Care. Then in April of 2004, after prayerful consideration of what would be best for her patients, her family and herself, Dr. Greene and Triad Women's Center merged out of Cornerstone Health Care to practice independently again. Over the years. Dr. Greene and Triad Women's Center affiliated with other health systems. But due to a desire to offer more private, comprehensive, cost effective healthcare for women, Dr. Greene changed her focus and now in addition to routine gynecologic care, now offers a variety of services for women geared to improve their overall health and wellbeing. The new practice name, triad Women's Health and Wellness Center, Reflects our vision for wellness. Dr. Greene is deeply committed to her patients and to the practice of medicine and feels it is an honor to serve in such a noble profession.. Routine Wellness,Gynecology In-Office Procedures,female Cancer Screening,Birth Control/IUD/Others,heavy Menstrual Bleeding,Therapeutic Massage,Facials/Skin Care Treatments,Women's Fitness Evaluations