We Fix Cars and We Treat You Right
For comprehensive auto care, trust your vehicles with Tri-State Auto Diagnostics of Dubuque, IA. Our auto service center offers a full range of services for domestic and foreign cars. With experienced auto technicians and advanced facility, you can rely on us to help your car reach its full potential.Services Offered:•Alternator repairs•Anti-lock brake system diagnosis and repair•Antique cars repair•Air conditioning repair and service•Battery repair•Automotive repair evaluation•Axle repairs•Brake repair and replacement•Clutch service•Electrical systems repair•Emission service•Engine repairs, tune-ups, rebuilt•Exhaust system replacement•Filter change•Fleet service and maintenance•Four wheel alignments•General auto repairs•Headlight and tail light replacement•Heater core repairs•Lube / oil change••Radiator service and repairs•State inspections•Suspension systems service•Timing belt replacement•Tire repairs•Tire rotation